30. apr. 2011

Hallo, tittebøh... hey

Ja og hvad man nu ellers kan finde på af en overskrift.
Ja I know, mega længe siden jeg sidst har skrevet, men jeg blev lige påvirket af en 2 ugers lang påskeferie, tilbage på college, som endte lidt kaos og forvirring, et kongeligt bryllup, helligedage og nu weekend. Maah, jeg har så ment ikke lavet specielt meget i den tid, udover bare at nyde at jeg ikke gider at lave en skid, og at det egentlig også bare har været helt okay.
Men nu er jeg vendt tilbage til den virkelig verden, hvilket på nogle punkter også er dejligt, jeg kan jo godt lige med studie...

Men for at holde lidt fast på den tide hvor man bare kunne slappe af og nyde påskens sol, vil jeg vise lidt billede frem af min uge tid i Milano og omegn med familien.

Håber i kommer til at nyde stemnings billederne, det her er faktisk nogle snapshots fra Baden-Baden.


Yes det skal altså lige siges at min familie, eller nok nærmere, min far og lillebror er en anelse bil fanatiker, så vi var ude og kigge på 3 forskellige racerbaner og her er den første af dem. Kan jo sagtens indrømme at man også selv bliver lidt påvirket :)

Ha' en fantastisk weekend mennesker!


14. apr. 2011



Her er et af mine window display designs i rå format.


13. apr. 2011

I'm Back...

Her er den fødselsdagskage som min faster og onkel gav mig, den er fra Cadbury og den smagte mums!
Altså bedre sent end aldrig med de fødslsdags billeder ikke?
Photobucket hader mig! Selvom jeg har roteret dette billede og det næste, vil det stadig ikke virke her på blogspot, jeg giver op!
Lego ur fra faster, onkel og kusine
Er det ikke fint?
2 stk. kjoler fra H&M fra mor og far.
Fashionary journal fra faster C., kamerataske fra mor og far, Harry Potter bog fra farmor og farfar (ved godt det er en anelse nørdet, og en anden gave er også på vej fra dem!)

Med hensyn til at jeg er tilbage, så omhandler det om, heh først og fremmest jeg er tilbage på bloggen. Ved godt at jeg ikke er ofte nok på, jeg prøver virkelig! Men synes jo egentlig selv at jeg først skal gøre det når jeg har lyst, og synes det er sjovt.. så ja.. Så er jeg også PT. tilbage i DK, her til påske, men allerede på fredag, tideligt om morgen tager jeg afsted med min forældre, bror og familien B.S., vi tager nemlig allesammen til Milano i en uge. Ja det var egentlig meningen at vi skulle til Nice, men da vi fandt ud af at det ikke ville blive så varmt som vi håbede på, kiggede vi på andre muligheder.

Igår mødte jeg Becky Lou aka Rebecca, da hun tilbød at give min en rundvisning på Danmarks Designskole. Da det er et sted jeg virkelig håber på at blive optaget på en gang i fremtiden, og det er jo også grunden til at jeg har valgt at tage til England. Rebecca var super sød og hjælpsom, og gav mig et rigtig godt indtryk af hvad det er Beklædnings linjen helt går ud på. Nu glæder jeg mig bare endnu mere til at starte processen med at komme på uni, dog er der stadig lidt tid endnu. Danmarks Designskole har helt fantastiske faciliteter og faktisk overgik det mine forventninger!

Det var alt for denne omgang, vil jo heller ikke drukne jer i mine ord!


2. apr. 2011

The world is strange...

So many things are going on in the world right know, and it seems like we are seeking into films, internet, music and what not to escape the reality.
Earthquakes, folds and politics.

Do you know someone that has been effected be these things?
I know someone that has been effected by the earthquakes in New Zealand, family and friends. Yes they do still have a home to live in, so they're alright.
But it most be so hard mentally, I feel helpless sitting in my bedroom trying to do my homework, while I'm listing to an old Coldplay album.
Today I just found out that the friends that my family here in England has, have decided to move to Australia, even though the have been fortunate that their house is still standing. And is functional.
They have discussed it a lot, there was some feeling, that hold them back in the beginning. They felt too lucky that they could afford to move to another country and escape the nightmare that they had been living in since September. It is their home and place that they adore and hates the thought of leaving.
They house is already sold and was on sale for less than a month. They have already found a place to live in Australia, they have told family and friends, their local church and the schools that their children goes to. They lives are going to change... and for the better.

My auntie and uncle that I'm staying with, also have their house on the market. And it has been since the end of January... there has been no viewings...

To something happier. It was my birthday on Wednesday, spend the day at college and with family when I came home. It's strange not having your Mum and Dad... and brother, waking you up singing happy birthday, just like they do at home. Although I should have thought I was getting use to this. It's been my third birthday away from Tune.
First time was spend on a school trip to Poland, and on my birthday we went to Auschwitz Concentration Camp and got told we weren't allowed to show any form of happiness. It was still at great day, cause all my classmate came in the morning and sang happy birthday, and they had all contributed to buy me a birthday present. It was so unexpected and it totally made my day.
Second year I did spend with my family, or I was a least closer to them. Just spend most of the day with one of my cousins in school so I could get a idea of what A-level textiles would be like.

Oh well in a weeks time I'll be back in Denmark for the Easter to see family and hopefully and few friends. Kind of sucks that the Danish students is first of almost a week later. So I'll first be able to see them, when they have finished at college. Since I can't wait for them to break up, because I'm going to France! Hurray! I'm so looking forward to some proper summer. Perhaps get a tan or something ;-)

Actually the weather as sincerely been lovely here in England this past week. To bad I spend most of my time inside, trying to motivate myself to do some homework.

Oh and at some point I'll post some pictures of my presents!


PS. Enjoy your weekend!