26. apr. 2012

FMP - Update

Things aren't going great with my FMP at the moment. Its a tiresome story, I thought that I was going back on track again, but there just seems to come more obstacles and I'm finding it hard to keep my head held high. 

  1. The Jersey Bamboo at Eco Earth Fabrics was suddenly out of stock.
    • They don't reply to emails and they don't pick up the phone when you ring them.
    • I've ordered Soy Jersey instead, which is more expensive, but a better quality. 
  2. The bias binder maker turned out to be the wrong size, I now I have to buy another one. 
    • I don't feel familiar with Ebay, so when I order the right size (12mm), I suddenly realized that it takes them 5-7 days to deliver... 
  3. The plan was to dye the materials with natural dyes, I've been doing the research - and found out that it's going to take severals days to complete. Contrary the chemicals dyes takes less than a day!
    • So now the plan has changed and I'll have to go with the chemical dyes, otherwise I won't be able to meet the deadline. Although the chemical dyes defeats the purpose of the project, by following the sustainable values. 
  4.  My Soy Jersey still hasn't arrived. 
  5. Considering the crap weather that we have had lately, I have to find a back-up plan for the location of the photoshoot and short film. 
    • Anyone fancy's giving me £8000 so I can hire a venue at the Victoria and Albert museum? 
  6. And just to moan a little more, the internet and my Mac has been working like shit today, so I thought I'd give Google Chrome a go, instead of using Safari. I worked better in the first 10 minutes, now its just as poor as Safari! 
Sorry for the boring blog post, but its a part of the journey - and its better to get the full picture, then the glorified moments.


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