27. jun. 2011

I Look Like a Fish

As I went to college Friday to hand in some work, I bumped into Mel, who asked if I had a few minutes. She have me this photo with the message on the back and a packet of Toblerone. She edited the photo on Photoshop and like the title says, I think I look like a fish, or at least not as human as I was before she started to edit the photo!
Haha, must say that my hair looks strange too!

The beer festival went really well, loads of people, beer and live music. The atmosphere was great and it was so nice to see the whole family working together, 4 of my cousins and a boyfriend were behind the bar, I sold food tickets and my other cousin (Shannon) ran around doing all sorts. The rest of the weekend consisted of the usual.

This is the week, the final countdown. Last week at college for me, well only for my first year anyway. Cannot believe how fast it has gone. I'll be handing in 3 projects this week. My parents + brother will arrive to the UK on Wednesday night, but will first be seeing them Thursday, as I need to go to college.
Friday I'll be going to a parents evening thing in the morning and in the evening I'll be going to an Aylesbury College exhibition, where some of my stuff with be exhibited.

Busy week, not so much sleep, Mac that goes into spasms, because there's too many programs running and suddenly decides to do an update on several programs, software updating and then Time Machine also complains, all at the same time! Gaah! Madness in the house, telling you, I've been moaning most of the day, if not ALL day!

I'll update you on the rest of my week later!


23. jun. 2011

Retail - Play

I've currently been working on a project called Play in Retail - and I basically have to design a window that will promote the Oxfringe (Oxford Fringe Festival), there were a few requirements such as: the minimum of 3 mannequins, the slogan ABOLITION DU TRAVIAL ALIENE and the Oxfringe logo. It also had to have the same mood as the collection (Performing Arts).
The design above is my final design, mostly done on photoshop, the writing has been done on Illustrator with help from my drawing tablet. In case anyone was wondering it is a Selfrigdes window that my display has been put in.

Tomorrow I'll be going into college again, to hand in some work and a old journal that my tutor want's to storage, plus I need to get a digital journal printed of and bound, perhaps Staples?
In the evening I'll be going to a beer festival that my auntie Carol is co-hosting (as far as I know), to support the opening of the new scout head quarters building. The rest of the family will be there too!

Good night!


22. jun. 2011

On a roll

Jeg har dansk på hjernen fortiden, egentlig noget underligt noget, hehe. Måske er det fordi at mine klassekammerater fik mig til at tale dansk, og de kunne ikke finde ud af hvad det var de ville have jeg skulle sige så de gav op. Men det endte med at de begyndte en samtale og pludselig begyndte jeg så at deltage, men jeg snakkede bare dansk og så kørte det ellers bare i ca. en halv time. Haha, det var nu egentlig meget skægt, de var opsat på at jeg hele tiden sagde noget ondt, selvom det slet ikke var tilfældet!
Faktisk er det jo nok ikke særlig interessant for jer, fordi det er sikkert en af de scenarier hvor man skal være der for at fange det sjove i det. Men nu til noget mere spændende: i går var der en af andet års designerne der havde brug for nogle modeller til et photoshoot, fordi hendes model havde aflyst i sidste øjeblik! Ja ja, jeg valgte så at lege frivillig sammen med Zoe og det blev Mel (designeren) mægtig glad for. Så kl. 21:00 i går aftes mødtes vi ved Aqua Vale, som er en svømmehal. Jep, Mel havde lånt en svømmehal fordi hendes gennemgående tema er halvfruer. I går legede jeg altså model og skulle lave et undervands shoot! Det var et hårdt arbejde og noget af en udfordring at holde vejret længe nok så Mel kunne nå at tage et billede. Vi var fire modeller, en makeup artist (eller rettere sagt bare en af de andre designere fra andet år - Mima) og så Mel. Vi blev der til 23:00. Vi blev nød til at gøre det uden for åbningstiderne, fordi disse billeder bliver vist for offentligheden, og de kan ikke have offentligheden med i billederne, med mindre at de alle sammen skriver under på at det er okay. Alt sammen en længere process, desuden ville Mel jo selvfølgelig hellere have billeder hvor der ikke var andre mennesker i baggrunden. Altsammen en super fed oplevelse, og når jeg en gang får nogle af billederne, så jeg nok vise dem her på bloggen!
Mel, skal bruge billederne til hendes portfolio og en lookbook der indeholders hendes kollektion! Disse to ting bliver fremstillet på en udstilling som colleget holder inde i centrum. Nogle af mine ting skal også derind!
Og med hensyn til det, så så jeg der mærkeligste i dag! Min kreative direktør rendte rundt (på college) i en af de jakker jeg har været med til at lave! Han kom senere ind til konstruktions studiet og sagde at dette ville være en jakke han ville købe, bortset fra han ikke køber tøj han får det foræret (han har rimelig høje tanker om sig selv).. Han sagde at det lignede noget Comme des Garcons ville lave (det er en af hans yndlingsmærker. Desuden er jeg ikke enig med han i at det ligner noget CDG ville lave..), der var bare lige en ting der skulles ændres, hætten skulle af. Og den kom af og nu skal den så med i udstillingen, samt en ande jakke + bukser jeg har været med til at lave! Det høre alt sammen under samme projekt - Performing Arts.
Udover det har jeg taget en beslutning om hvad der er jeg vil næste år og det er konstruktion, så jeg skal uddannelse i at være designer og mønster konstruktør (pattern constructor)! Glæder mig faktisk ret meget til næste år, det bliver lidt mere frit, i den forstand at vi slev kan vælge hvem eller hvad der skal inspirere os. Og i de sidste 2 semestre skal vi arbejde på vores FMP (Final Major Project).
En andens dagens bonus er at jeg har fået distinction (topkarakter) i mit CA projekt, der hvor jeg lavede skulder-kappen med bladene.


16. jun. 2011

I Blame Coco

Love her music..

Sweet dreams.



While I was researching some stuff for my new retail project: "Play", I randomly stumbled over the website spredbudskabet.dk, and as I'm Danish, okay I haven't been living in the country for a while. But hey I still feel slightly embarrassed that I didn't know I about this project! Now I have become friends with them on Facebook. They send me a little positive quote a day and it's all about trying to spread these messages, you can either do it via social networks or you can sponsor them, by donating money, so they can hang posters around Denmark with the message or make sort films, like the above to put on TV! I think it is a great project.

Anyway, sorry to all the non Danish readers to be posting this.

On the other hand this week as been going.. oh so well! (Feel the sarcasm!)
You've already heard about the camera, now my cousin has lost her phone at school (yesterday) and they still haven't found it. And now on my way to college this afternoon on the bus, I realized that I had forgotten my CA project. But like I said to my auntie at least the sun came out on my journey down to Risborough... and the deadline for the project is first tomorrow!

What else is going on i my life?
Well one of the bigger things, is that I now have to choose for what I want to focus on next year - Construction or Retail (I apologize if I've already talked about this before). And the thing is in the beginning I was really sure that I wanted to do Construction, but now I'm suddenly in doubt.
I get really good comments in Retail from my tutor and she says that I would become a great retailer some day. And I've really enjoyed both subjects. You hate some projects in one and hate some in the other. But there will always be ups and downs.
Talked to my form tutor, who's also my retail tutor about the situation. She told me that I would do great in both subjects (a smile came to my face, but at the same time I sighed..) Although she did think that retail would come easier to me as I have logical mind, and construction would be more of a challenge, because I would really have to push myself next year to think out of the box. I told her that I always wanted to become a fashion designer - and that's why I've travelled 800 miles to be at this course, but I still really want to be open minded about the whole retail side. Never really thought about that aspect before I started the course. She recommended that I should look at what options I would have back home, as I'm going home for uni. Is there even any course for Visual Merchandising or Fashion Communication in Denmark? Well I don't know, guess I'll have to figure it out.
Ideally I should have made up my mind by tomorrow, but can't see that happening.
Tomorrow I'm going to have a chat with the second year retail tutor Alison and I'll also (hopefully) have a chat with the creative director David. Wish me luck!


15. jun. 2011

50's dresses


I have been working on a project called "50's 'Summer Loving'". The name probably gives it away, but I have been required to create a 50's style dress in 4 weeks. 2 weeks of research and designing and 2 weeks of construction patterns and sewing it.
These pics are a part of my inspiration, a few traditional old fashioned ones, where I had to focus of the silhouette and the neckline. And as the 50's style dress in very in and on trend at the moment, I have picked a few out, to show that the industry always goes back in time to get inspiration. What comes around goes around.
I actually really like the yellow dress and on the other hand, not really, don't really fancy the lace. Any thought?
Today I chose my final design and next week I'll be making the pattern for it!


14. jun. 2011

When the world turns upside down

  1. When you get a nice message from Julie saying, check out the blog! The girl hasn't been blogging for ages, and bam the layout has been changed... again! Seriously we haven't even had the blog for a year and how many times has it changes? Oh well at least she did a good job! ;)
  2. When you offered to take your cousin to the dentist. And while waiting for her on the High Street, where you have put all your things down in the meanwhile, to rest the poor shoulders and arms. See her, grab supposedly all your things up, realize 10 minutes later that you DIDN'T pick up your camera, run down and BAM it's gone! Why Hannah why?
  3. I'm full of adventures so after the dentist I go down to the police station and file my camera as lost property...
  4. When you have to take an exam in reading comprehension in your second language..
  5. When you actually finish your shoulder piece for contemporary accessories, but don't have a proper camera to take pictures :( But thank god for phones with camera?
  6. When you make this blog post for the second time, because the internet decided to crash!
  7. When you realized last week that the battery in your clock doesn't work, but because of habit you wear it and look at it and think why is it 15:30 all the time?? DOH!
  8. When you probably know that you should ALWAYS proof read you posts, but just really can't be assed.
So good night and sleep tight out there, see you soon!


11. jun. 2011


P1020965.jpg Photobucket
Some more retail work. So you know my window that I showed the other day? These prototypes of a bag and a tag that I have designed, will back up my store concept. What do you think?


8. jun. 2011


I made some cupcakes, so my cousin and I had something nice for our lunch boxes... mmh..
Progress on my soon to become shoulder piece, the FINAL, FINAL deadline is on Tuesday! And I AM going to FINISH it by then. Honestly no worries at all :)
In Digital I'm currently working on building up a portfolio, took some pictures of my window marquette in the photo studio. Personally I think they turned out pretty cool :) What do you think?
I know that you've seen some of these things before. But they have all changed a little bit since the last time. And what has changed here??? I have got light holes in it now! The effect is fantastic! Look at those amazing shadows!
I'm loving it, are you??

Cupcakes are actually not the only thing that I have cooked this week! I also did some homemade pizza with my cousin. It was delicious!

The biggest stress has passed now, all the major projects are being handed in this week... and where there is an end there is a beginning - new projects, more on that later.

Hope you've enjoyed your week so far :)


4. jun. 2011

Performing Arts (CS+CT)

So here is my final collection line-up for the Performing Arts project (in Construction+Contextual), you have already seen the final outcome. And I would love to show you the clothe on the actual Performing Arts students, but I don't want to publish their faces without their consent and honestly I'm a bit boring like that, cause don't really feel like asking them...

So truthfully I didn't continue working on it last night, cause I really just couldn't be bothered, needed some time to relax and reflect over.. well.. homework! What a surprise.
So I heard from Julie - hello Facebook, so the reason why she has been so absent is she really can't figure out how to use photobucket, and of course she wants to upload some pics. So I'll try and explain it to her again, otherwise sorry guys you'll have to wait till I come home for the summer!

Back to homework then!

How has your Saturday been so far? :)


3. jun. 2011

Hard work...

Been working on my final collection line up... Hate doing them, seriously it takes bloody ages to do! So much work for a line-up, those tutors better appreciate it!!
More stuff that takes ages to do. So this is going to be a shouldler piece at some point... Soon, please?? Only have to cover all the grey bits with real leaves... explain later.
In case you were wondering these are trousers, attached the patches yesterday, more hard work and effort, baaah!
Argh see this is what I SHOULD be doing during my holiday, enjoying the summer evenings...
...And the garden. Spent most of the day in front of the computer, trying to finish of my collection line-up, no success though, hm... So after frying my brain most of the day, I decided that is was time to take a break. So watched Barnaby, I know, quite sad.. And then took Mr. Potter with me out into the garden and read for an hour, argh :)

I'm extremely tired no! Britain's Got Talent is in the background, I actually can't see the screen, but hey I can try and listen, while blogging, reading blogs and debating with myself it I should try and finish of my collection line-up now. Really can't be bothered.

To the dear people in Copenhagen hope you have enjoyed Distortion! Not that I have actually ever attended to one before, but it sounds like good fun, maybe in 2 years time when I 'home' for good? Anyone?

It has been a little strange not being home during this half term, been so use to going home, but hey, it has only been 3 days that have been different to normal, cause that's the only days that I go to college. I complain to much, I'll stop now.

Hope you're going to enjoy your weekend! Be out in the free and soak the sun up!

Btw where is Julie these days??? Must send her an email and ask her what she's up too!


1. jun. 2011

May holdiday

Sorry for the quietness, but it is the May half term holiday and I'm spending most of my time either studying or chilling. And to say the least both of them are much needed. I know, studding much need? Really? Hm, yeah unfortunately I have loads to do and it seems as though that every little task takes ages to do.
But tomorrow I'll be going to the woods, with my auntie, cousin and their girl friends we'll be a round 12 girls! It's really quite sad I'll be spending lunchtime with a bunch of 12-year-olds (oh, wait the ones that have turned 13 this year, will get really offended if I call them 12-year-olds!) and their mothers! But hey, I'm sure it'll be great fun to act like a 12-13 year-old. Then back home... and hopefully refreshed and inspired to do some more homework!
Cannot believe this week has gone so fast, erhm yeah I know it's only Wednesday, although only for a few hours more.

Girl trip will with the college girls has been cancelled! I'm so bummed about that, but hey two of them are skin and the other one suddenly found out that she had double booked, and then there's sad little Hannah, who's got a little spare time and money to spend and her friends are in a poor state.
Argh to much self petty. Time to brush me teeth and spend so quality time with Mr. Harry Potter.

Good night world and sleep tight!
