27. maj 2011

Window Marquette for Tribal Project

Without light holes.


Construction - Performing Arts Project

Big oversized cream hood...
Big oversized red hood...
Patchwork oversized hood...
Bleached and patchwork jacket. All the patchwork took around 5-6 hours to do and I'm not exaggerating!
Spray paint, acrylic paint, electric tape and the jacket has been turned inside out...
Eh, yeah, that is me, if you were wondering... In one of the pieces that we've (Cherokee, Nick and I (Daisy decided not to come in that day...))...
Patchwork jacket, again, this time with hood...


Contemporary Accessories - Performing Arts Project

Mud and acrylic paint...
Mud and red acrylic paint...
Paper leaf with dipped in mud...
Slogan by Jamie Reid...
More leaves with mud...

Remember the post that I called "Teaser", well the initial idea was that I was supposed to be finished with my final outcome this week and it sort of didn't happen. Why? For some reason I ALWAYS design things that are too complicated and I have absolutely no idea about how time consuming things can be. Hopefully in the near future I'll learn... hopefully...


Earth calling

Yup I'm still alive. So here is the to-do-list after I have worked on it since the weekend and until yesterday. So as you might have noticed I haven't done everything I needed to do, which is a real pain in the bum! But hey happy holidays I can do all the missing work over my half term May holiday, wuup wuup - NOT! At least it is a good job I'm (unfortunately not) returning to Denmark this holiday, as I have LOADS of work to do. And work that wouldn't be suitable to bring in a suitcase.

Don't worry I wont let you miss out on anything I've been up to this week, you will probably slowly spammed by me, hope you don't mind, haha!

Have a great weekend! And for all I know there are some VERY lucky people that has already gone on summer holiday! Damn you lucky b******s!


20. maj 2011

Busy weekend

First of all I couldn't sleep to I suddenly got this idea of making a to-do-list, to explain how busy I am going to be over the weekend. There are of course other things that I also will be doing besides homework.
So due to homework and other things, such as social things, which isn't really my thing.. Mjaa, it's true not really a social bird, I probably won't be blogging a lot over the weekend, including Monday.
See you on the other side!

Have a good one! Hope you are doing more exciting things than me!


18. maj 2011


WARNING! If you do not like complaining do NOT read any further!

Today has been a hard day. Group work is almost hell to me, especially with these guys. Nick is a drama queen and almost made me cry today! Can you believe it, just cause he's trying to save his own ass and I go and screw it up for him and then he tells me to SHUT UP! With added attitude. The worst part though was that the teacher didn't even help me out (she was in the same conversation, oh wait who am I kidding, lets say discussion!), she just let that little worm get his way! Every time she tries to tell him of, he will come with some excuse with why it is unfair!

So the thing is our teacher thought that the rest of the group were copping out, because they all said lets just go with Hannah's designs. Today the teacher said: "Oh no, you can't do that, I won't except your work if you only hand in outfits that has been designed by Hannah" That's when hell broke loose. Don't really feel like going into great detail. But lets just say that my day wasn't great and I didn't get much support from my teacher, which I'm quite disappointed about.

The day (at college) has been so stressful, disappointing and upsetting.

I fell asleep on the bus, because I was so tired! Came home, gave my auntie and uncle a happy anniversary card, eat some chinese food, looked at some blogs and now half and half watching telly and blogging of course! Oh and drinking hot chocolate. So tired now, could fall asleep!

Hope you've had a better day! If you had, what did you do today?



Not to sure what is going on with Photobucket, because the top photo isn't in the right dimensions! Damn you Photobucket! Anyway, just wanted to post these photos as a teaser, this is what I was playing around with in Contemporary Accessories, a follow up will come, when at some point in the future, hopefully with be finished...


17. maj 2011

Bye Bye Queen Mother

Jep this is what I did with one book "The Queen Mother", some acrylic paint, pencil, water (to mix the acrylic up so it wasn't so thick) and a hair dryer, to dry the pages a bit quicker. So this was my mini project Saturday morning. I will be using it as a journal.

To be continued...


Paper Head Piece


Her er det saa det laenge ventede Paper Head Piece som jeg har snakket om, jeg blev faerdig med det i gaar, men kan allerede i dag, se at der er noget jeg lige skal have fikset. I den forstand at nogle af hammerne allerede er faldet af, saa jeg altsaa lige dinde den ulitmative loesning til hvordan de forbandede hammere ville sidde fast. Ikke fordi der er noget jeg har spekuleret paa i uge vis, men uheldigvis og tydeligvis ikke fundet den perkfekte loesning endnu. Problemet er saa bare at jeg rent faktisk fortalte den kreative direktoer at jeg var faedrig og ikke laengere havde brug for mere tid til at faerdig goere det. Hm, det viser sig at jeg har tget fejl. Men, men, heh, saa fraek og snug som man nu har lov til at vaere, ved jeg med sikkerhed at jeg skal tage nogle billeder af den i dag til min portfolio, saa faar jeg lige en chance for at faa fisket det, inden jeg tager billederne.

Smart hva'? Okay, ved godt det ikke lige tager en genial mand til at regne den ud, men da jeg har saa meget at taeke paa for tiden, er jeg nu alligevel ret gald for at jeg lige fik den tanke.

Jeg kommer tilbage senere i dag, med de billeder jeg lovede jer, med hensyn til den bog jeg var i gang med at forvandle.

Og grunden til at jeg ikke skriver paa engelsk, er at jeg pt sidder paa college og har en halvanden times pause og her er nogle meget nysgerrie mennesker. Og jeg beklager meget hvis jeg har lavet en hel masse stavefejl, men af en eller anden grund saa virker stavekontrolen paa blogger.com ikke her paa college.. Maah..

Ha' en alletiders tirsdag mennesker!



14. maj 2011



Sorry for being so absent these that few days, but is it just me or has blogger.com not really work the last few days? Anyway that can be beside the point now. And the headline doesn't make any sense at all, but I simply couldn't find anything that would match and doh it's early in the morning.

So another picture of me playing around with how my window display should look like. I have taken a decision that this will be the concept of loads of banners, now I just need to find out where to place them, so it looks beautiful and harmonized.

Yesterday I spend the day on public transport, Oxford and Thame. The reason why I mention public transport is because it takes me around 2 hours to get to Oxford on public transport and bike, commitment I'm telling you. I had to go to the orthodontist to get my braces tighten, mmh, yeah they are definitely sore now. After my appointment I was charity shop hunting, as a needed a book in a reasonably size, loads of children books, acrylic paint, paint brush and leather belts. All because I'm currently working on that Contemporary Accessories project that I was talking about the other day. And as I couldn't get everything I needed I took the bus and went to Thame, my lord they have loads of charity shops! Do you every get that feeling, where you feel bad for going into a charity shop and leaving with nothing??? I do, I feel like I should be buying something, as it goes to a good cause... If you're lucking I can probably post some photos of what I will be up to today later.

So what have you been up to these past few days? And what are your plans for the weekend?


11. maj 2011

Mess me up!

Ink and acrylic
Ink, acrylic, water, mess

So this is what I spend most of my day doing, argh wait, that is actually not true. But this was the more enjoyable part. Other wise I have been chasing my dear group members to do some work. Our models weren't there (the performing arts students), there had been an accident and they were all sent home. For God sake, sometimes I really think that the unseen forces are testing me all the time. I know this must sound slightly strange, but these days the first thing I do when I come into a classroom/studio is to take my shoes off! Why? Because it make me feel calm. I some weird way I feel more earth bound and I don't stress out as quickly. Nick, Cherokee and Daisy should have been pleased, because for once I didn't have a hissy fit at them today.
Anyway shouldn't really be sharing all my negative thoughts, because then you will be receiving negative energy.

But hey one of my best friends are chatting to be over msn and just making everything a little bit better :)

It's actually hard multitasking - blogging, National Movie Award, chatting and following a conversation with the family.

Hope you guys have had a good day!


10. maj 2011

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

Oh wait it is actually ONLY Tuesday. Damn this week is going to be sooo long.
Yesterday Monday, I went into college to catch up on some work, because I had been told to come in, and I do, because college is important to me. But hey, guess how many turned up? Oh, there were only Zoe and I, wauw! Oh wait and the best thing was that our teacher didn't even turn up, because she was ill! Oh well, but for once, our creative director, took the matters into his own hands. HE, was going to help and guide us through it all, although he wasn't around all day, he was willing to come down (his was on third floor) and see us whenever we needed him. So it all turned out pretty well, I didn't finished, but I made an agreement with him, that I could finish some things of at home and then put all the pieces together Monday morning. Hurray, I'm actually getting somewhere!

So normally we would have Sarah for Contemporary Accessories, but since she has been signed of ill for 2 weeks, Garry a totally new teacher, is going to replace her for at least until half term. We will also be having Garry for Construction from the 6th June. I must say that he exceeded my expectations, well I knew that he would be young, cause they had told us.
But today we had to develop some designs that we have been working on. And I must say, that quite frequently I feel lost, when I have to make a decision about what my final piece i going to be. It was just such a positive experience, he came with great feedback and was really good at getting my mind starting, and after a few minutes we sad there and fed of each others ideas! I now know what I'm doing and what I need done for next week. My lord, Garry has given me something to do over the weekend! The other thing was, that he also came with great ideas on how to present our work in journals. He wants us to try out an idea he has; buy a book from a charity shop in a reasonably size, then paint all the pages white, but so you still are able see a little bit of what used to be on the page. It will be all about layering stuff on each page, so the book will explode with inspiration and our thought process! Doesn't it sound great?!
It's been a while since I have been so excited about a project, I really dreaded this when we started 2 weeks ago, I suddenly feel so much more comfortable with this project.

So, so far it had been a great day.. A little wake-up call, hello Hannah you go to Aylesbury College. So? When it was time to have our Digital lesson, we are currently working on making portfolio pages that will be ready for next year, when we (hopefully) will be having interviews with universities. We had to take photos of some of the things that we have made, well today I only got to take photos of my dress and collar. But next week when my paper headpiece WILL be finished ON Monday, that will be going in too.
Anyway what frustrated me about the whole business of taking pictures, where that we were mend to help each other out. Julie (the teacher) asked us to help out Lizzie, but no one was bothered, and she look around at us all. And then Cherokee said: 'Hannah will help her' And then I just look at her and asked why she couldn't do it, 'I don't enjoy doing work.' By that time Julie had left, and I was taking my sandals of, we were in a photo studio, can the photography students aren't to keen on dirty shoes. Julie, came in again and asked: 'why aren't any of you helping Lizzie?' 'Because I'm trying to get my sandals off!'

So that was two days, only two more to go at college and I'll have a weekend...


3. maj 2011


Cherokee som går i min klasse er en mægtig sød pige, når man får lært hende at kende. Hun har en meget stærk illustrations stil. Lad os bare sige at hendes egen stil er en anelse mod, punk og boho inspireret. Nogen gange mikser hun det hele sammen og andre gange er de separeret. Anyway, vores kreative direktør har bedt hende om at lave en illustration som han skal bruge til en udstilling for at promovere vores kursus/studie. Det her er ikke det færdige resultat, da Cherokee ikke var tilfreds. Jeg tror hun har lavet omkring 15 tegninger og er stadig i gang med at lave flere.
Hvis jeg skal være ærlig har jeg set hende gøre det bedre, men synes lige det ville være lidt sjovt at vise jeg noget, jeg ikke går rundt og laver...

Hvorfor er Cherokee's illustration relevant? Vi er lige begyndt på et nyt projekt, der omhandler at designe et kostume for teater elever, som de skal bruge til deres forstilling. Projektet er inspireret af Jamie Reid, Malcolm McLaren, men mere generelt universet der indebare at unge mennesker blive undertrykket og at vi får ikke lov til at have en stemme i samfundet og i politikkens verden.

Forhåbentlig mere om det senere...



Holiday part 2

Kan man godt tillade sig at kalde det dét? Nu hvor man egentlig ikke kaldte den første omgang for part 1. Hm.. Ej okay, ved godt det er pretty random snak nu, heh, beklager.

Endnu engang bliver i spamet med ferie billeder, beklager, men dette bliver nok ikke den sidste gang!
Og det mest irriterende ved de her billede fremvisninger er at de slet ikke er i rækkefølge. Altså, jo med hensyn til dagene, men ikke med hensyn til hvad der kronologisk skete på den dag! Jep jeg er et rodehoved og det er sådan jeg bedst kan lide det! ;)

