Monday: My dear cousin Sarah has asked me if I wanted to be her model for her AS level show - I said why not, starting to regret it a bit, its going to be so embarrassing. And just another thing, she going for a Lady Gaga theme, but I'm SO not a big fan of her... heh, how am I supposed to portray a 'feeling' or a 'sense' for a person I don't even like?

Tuesday: As you might have noticed by pictures are coloured! And yes that means that I finally invested in a new camera hurray!!
Tuesday: At the moment I'm working on a paper hair piece project in contemporary accessories and here are some of my design ideas...

Wednesday: I FINALLY finished my dress for the Margiella project, here's a close up.

Wednesday: A little sneak peak for what my collar is going to look like... Which actually should have been finished this

Wednesday, but hey ho maybe the it'll be finished on the next Wednesday...

Thursday: We had a power cut that lasted 22 hours, can you believe it??? So spent Thursday evening, eating Fish 'n' Chips, playing chocolate Cluedo, ready an act from Shakepeare (my cousin Shannon is studding him at the moment...) and a few chapters from Matilda by Roald Dahl.

... oh and we also made paper airplanes from the chocolate rappers.

Friday: had to go into college to hand in some work and had to go to a meeting to meet the local MP... zzZZZzzz BORING! politics ain't my thin'! So here's a picture of my fab retro bike, actually it's my auntie Julie's just borrowing it, so I don't have to buy a new one, and of course I wear a helmet, they drive insanely over here! (it's a YAKKAY helmet if anyone was wondering)

Friday: Basics, never go wrong with a pair of skinny jeans, converse and a Fjällraven Kånken rucksack! Yes, I'm from Scandinavia and I LOVE the rucksack to death! Gloves are also a necessity as you don't want you fingers to fall of when you bike home on a late afternoon...

Saturday, was dedicated to food and homework, toast, butter & cinnamon sugar, say it's weird?? It tastes yummy -TRY IT OUT!!

Sunday: more homework... zzZZZzzzZZzz
Hope you have enjoyed the weekend!!